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Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

TO, I Hate you so bad! (?)







Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

T.O = K.O

Aduh jangan protes ya judulnya aneh, abis lagi gak bisa mikir. Jadi hari kamis ini gue selesai t.o pertama tingkat sekolah. Selama t.o

hari pertama: B.ind : Alhamdulillah bisa di kira-kira jawabannya, dan ga nyontek \(*o*)/ *tapi tetep gak yakin dapet nilai bagus

hari kedua: B.Ig : Ini juga jawabannya alhamdulillah masih bisa dikira-kira. Dan kalo ga salah ini juga ga nyontek yeah! *teteeep, gak yakin dapet nilai bagus

hari ketiga: *jengjengjeng* MTK! @_@ STRESS YAOLOH dah ! mana dapet contekan cuma 1! 1! emang tuh si dewi pelitnya gak kira-kira dah. Mana pengawasnya..nauzubillah pak tris! ckck

hari ke-empat: *muka pucet, dilanda kesedihan yang mendalam(?)* ipa. ipa. IPA! Sama satu pelajaran ini paling paling dah udah gemeteran tadi. Abis semalem gue ga belajar, selama sekolah belajar cuma dikit, udah gitu nge-blank lagi! contekan dapet kira kira cuma 4. Sisanya ya kalo ga tau sok tau (baca:kira-kira=ngasal). Ampuuun ya Tuhan!

Ngomong-ngomong waktu itu tanggal 2 januari ada evolution, untuk memperingati ulang tahun 68. Ya memang ngomongnya sangat telat tapi dari pada enggak. Terus kan disitu guest starnya (tulisannya bener gak tuh?) kan ada seventeen, pemain film anakloh sama the potato head. nah pas sebelum seventeen sama the potato head tampil, banyak yang ngantri di ruang komite, kayaknya sih buat minta tanda tangan sama foto-foto. gue sih, bodo amat.

Terus pas si seventeennya tampil, mereka bawain lagi sekitar 5 atau lebih gt. Dikirain gue sama fitri paling banyak 3. Pas mereka lagi tampil, kan gue sama zara, zahra sama fitri nontonnya gak begitu di depan, agak kebelakang sedikit dan di sekitar itu cuma ada kita doang. Pas kita lagi nonton (ekspresi:biasa aja. Sedangkan penonton yang lain, teriak kesenengan kalau vocalistnya ngangkat tangan atau senyum gt), apa gue yang salah liat atau knp, yang vocalistnya (kalau gak salah namanya ivan apa siapa gt) lamba-in tangan ke kita. Tapi gue mah, bodo amat.

Terus pas seventeen sama yg pemain anakloh kasih tiket buat dateng ke acara premier film gt kalo gak salah, eh sampai ada guru yang maju buat dapet tiket, wkakak. Pas di akhir acara, kan the potato head tampil, pas si esa sigit bilang beberapa kata atau senyum yang cewek-cewek langsung kea teriak gt. Dan gue tetep: cuek bebek, diem matung.

Ya udah, sampai sini aja. Do'ain ya mudah-mudahan hasil t.onya bagus. Amin! *yg doainnya jelek-jelek mudah-mudahan itu doa buat dirinya sendiri!Amin!


Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

young people can get osteoporosis

Young children have a lifestyle that is vulnerable to the disease osteoporosis or bone loss. Why did it happen? Though osteoporosis is generally attacked parents with age above 50 years. Osteoporosis is a disorder with a character or density of bone mass density decreases because of the disruption on the structure of bone tissue, causing bones to become brittle and facilitate the occurrence of fractures, especially in the pelvis, spine, and arms. Osteoporosis is usually rare or no symptoms at all, although the radiological reduction of bone mass density of about 30% will be seen.

Early symptoms of osteoporosis are generally characterized by pain, especially in the back area, followed by fractures to the spine causing severe pain. Lifestyle adopted by young people today are very concerned about it. Their lifestyles who want to slim, like smoking, alcohol consumption, and reluctant to be exposed to the sun can increase your risk of osteoporosis. Many teenagers who want to look slim, so they refused to drink milk for fear of being fat.

In addition, young women are generally reluctant to exposure to the sun, for fear of black skin, which eventually lead to their lack of vitamin D. Smoking habits are also common in young lingkungananak. Nicotine contained in cigarettes may absorb calcium in the body's reserves, as well as the consumption of alcohol.

If young people do not want to implement a healthy lifestyle with a balanced nutrition, it is feared they will be generations of osteoporosis in two or three more decades. The process of accumulation of bone tissue that is not strong at the time of growth will cause a person experiences more rapid bone loss compared with a stronger bone tissue. For that, the youth should meet the needs of calcium and vitamin D each day through a healthy lifestyle.

Teen calcium needs about 1,000 milligrams per day, while the need for vitamin D is recommended around 400 to 800 IU per day.

More Information About Bone Cancer

If you suddenly feel pain in the bones with some visible symptoms of swelling and redness in some specific places in your body, so beware of all pertandanya. Bone cancer can attack various circles. A primary bone tumor bone tumor in which tumor cells derived from cells that form bone tissue, whereas secondary bone tumors are malignant tumors scattered children of non-bone organs that metastasize to bone.

Based on clinical assessment, radiological and Histopathologic careful of each bone tumors, it can be determined staging these tumors. Staging valid for benign tumors and malignant bone tumors. Staging system used for bone tumors is the Surgical Staging System of Enneking. For malignant tumors have stage 3 levels, namely:
1. Stage I, when the low malignancy degrees.
2. Stage II means the tumor has a high degree of malignancy.
3. Stage III, which means the tumor has spread.

Osteosarkoma (Sarcoma Osteogenik) is a primary malignant bone tumors, where it produces malignant tumors of bone and the cells are derived from primitive mesenkimal cells. Based on the WHO definition osteosarkoma are: Primary high grade malignant tumor in which the neoplastic cells produce osteoid (Christopher DM, 2002: 264). Osteosarkoma a malignant tumor most often found in children. The average disease diagnosed at the age of 15 years.

The incidence in boys and girls are equal, but at the end of adolescence this disease are more common in boys. The cause is certainly not unknown. Because the cause is unknown, it is difficult to prevent. To note, the bone cancer has nothing to do with food. Some people suspect that there are radioactive due to the environmental community. Osteosarkoma tends to grow in the femur (lower end), the upper arm bone (the top) and tibia (the top). The tip of the bones are the areas where there is a change and the largest growth rate. However, osteosarkoma can also grow in other bones.

Bone Cancer

Your body has 206 bones. These bones serve various functions differently.

First, your bones provide structure in your body and help to provide shape. The muscles attached to bones and allow you to move. Without the bones, your body will become a heap of soft tissues without structure, and you will not be able to stand, walk, or move.

Second, the bones to help protect the organs of the body more vulnerable. For example, the bones of the skull protects the brain, the vertebrae of the spine (spine) to protect the spinal cord (spinal cord), and the ribs protect the heart and lungs. Third, the bones contain bone marrow (bone marrow), which make and store blood cells only.

Finally, the bones help your body control the collection of a variety of proteins and nutrients, including calcium and phosphorus. Cancer Definition Your body is made up of many small structures called cells. There are many types different from that cells grow to form the different parts of your body. During the growth and normal development, these cells continuously grow, divide, and create new cells.

This process continues throughout life even after you are no longer growing. The cells continued to divide and new cells to replace cells that are old and damaged. In a healthy body is able to control the growth and division of cells according to the needs of the body. Cancer is when these normal control of cells lost and cells began to grow and divide out of control.

The cells also become abnormal and has changed its functions in patients with cancer. There are many types of cancer are different. Cancer is usually named based on the type of cell that is affected. For example, lung cancer is caused by the cells that form outside the control lung, and breast cancer cells that make up the breast. A tumor is a collection (collection) of abnormal cells that gathered together. However, not all tumors are cancerous.

A tumor can be benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign tumors are usually less dangerous and are not able to spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors are usually more serious and can spread to other areas of the body. The ability of cancer cells to leave their original location and moved to another location within the body is called metastasis.

Metastases can occur in cancer cells enter the blood stream or body of the lymph system (lymphatic system) to walk to other places in the body. When cancer cells metastasize to other parts of the body, they are still called with the type of origin of the abnormal cells. For example, if a group of cells into the diseased breast cancer and metastasize to the bones, it is called a metastatic cancer payudra. Many different types of cancer are able to metastasize to the bones.

Types of the most common cancers that spread to the bones are lung, breast, prostate, thyroid, and kidney. Most of the time, when people have cancer in their bones, it is caused by cancer that has spread from elsewhere in the body to the bones. It is more common not to have an original bone cancer, a cancer that arises from cells that form bone. It is important to determine whether the cancer in the bone is from somewhere else or from a cancer of the bone cells.

Treatments for cancers that metastasize to bone have been based on the initial type of cancer. There are 2 kinds of bone cancer:

1. Metastatic bone cancer or secondary bone cancer: cancer of other organs that spread to the bone, so the cancer does not come from the bone. An example is lung cancer that spread to the bone, where the cancer cells resemble lung cells and is not a bone cell.

2. Primary bone cancer: a cancer originating from bone. Which belong to the primary bone cancer are:

- Mieloma multiple - Osteosarkoma

- Fibrosarkoma & Histiositoma malignant fibrous

- Kondrosarkoma

- Tumor Ewing

- Malignant Lymphoma bone.

Multiple MIELOMA

Multiple Mieloma a primary bone cancer most often found, which come from bone marrow cells that produce blood cells. Generally occurs in adults. These tumors can be about one or more bones so that pain can appear in one place or more. Complex treatment, which include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.


Osteosarkoma (Sarcoma Osteogenik) is a malignant bone tumor, which is usually associated with periods of growth velocity during adolescence. Osteosarkoma a malignant tumor most often found in children. The average disease diagnosed at the age of 15 years. The incidence in boys and girls are equal, but at the end of adolescence this disease are more common in boys. The cause is certainly not unknown. The evidence supports that osteosarkoma is derived disease.

Osteosarkoma tends to grow in the femur (lower end), the upper arm bone (the top) and tibia (the top). End of these bones is an area where there is a change and the largest growth rate. However, osteosarkoma can also grow in other bones. The most common symptom is pain found. In line with the growth of tumors, can also occur swelling and limited movement. Tumors in the legs cause limping patients, whereas the tumor causes pain in the arm when the arm used to lift an object. Swelling of the tumor may be felt warm and slightly reddened.

Early signs of this disease may be a broken bone because tumors can cause bones to become weak. Fractures in the growth of tumor called a pathological fracture and often occurs after a routine movement.

# The usual examination: X-ray bone affected

# CT scans of affected bone

# Blood tests (including serum chemistry)

# Chest CT scan to see the spread to the lungs

# Open biopsy

# Skening bone to see the spread of tumors.

Before the surgery, which is usually given chemotherapy will cause tumors to shrink. Chemotherapy is also important because it will kill any tumor cells that had begun to spread. Chemotherapy is usually given:

- High-dose Methotrexate with leukovorin

- Doxorubicin (adriamycin)

- Cisplatin - Cyclophosphamide (sitoksan)

- Bleomycin.

If it has not happened spread to the lungs, then the life expectancy reaches 60%. Approximately 75% of patients survive to 5 years after the illness diagnosed.

pics. made by me

hey udah lama gak nge-post di blog lagi. Waktu itu
lagi iseng-iseng kan bikin gambar asal-asalan, terus disuruh ayah gue bikinin gambar kaya cerita gt. Gue bilang gabisa, lah orang gue bukan tukang gambar, tapi ya gue cobalah. check it out! <<-- sok-sok an padalah b.ingnya payah
emang si rada gajelas, jelek pula. tapi gapapalah.huehehe

ps:kalau gambarnya kurang besar, klick aja gambarnya

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

panic! at my home (zzz)




MASALAH! masalah ! masalaaaaah!!!!


Akhir akhir ini ada masalah, bikin stress aja. masalahnya:

1. Jerawat!
Ooh ini yang terburuk! Masa tbtb jerawat muncul seenak jidat!mana banyak banget! Itu tuh gara-gara yang suka ngerawat muka mamah sama nenek, si nenek-nenek itu, tapi anehnya, mama sama nenek gpp, pokoknya nanti harus ke dokter!

Hadoh kalo soal ini yang ter-setress. 2 BULAN LAGI! 2 BULAN LAGI! Omongan pak Dhady kedengeran di kuping gue. Tapi anehnya, setiap hari kegiatan gue:tidur-makan-sekolah-main-tidur. pr pun kadang lupa di kerjain. belajar:jarang!

3. Rumahku sayang (?)
Bilang gue aneh, tapi jangan bilang gila, soalnya gue sayang rumah gue yang ini. Kalau disuruh milih hotel bintang 5 atau rumah gue, gue jawabnya:rumah. Tapi kemungknan bulan februari akhir gue gak bisa liat dan merasakan gue mah yang nyamannya for heaven's sake (menurut gue sih). ya walaupun gak bagus-bagus amat, tapi daru gue lahir sampai segede ini tinggalnya disini, dan kenangan bersama kakek gue juga disini T_T. Dan katanya, bulan februari akhir katanya rumah ini mau dibikin ulang, katanya biar lebih bagus! HUAAA BODO AMAT!AMAT BODO! gak rela pokoknya. tapi mau gimana lagi, emang kalo gue yang ngomong orangtua mau dengerin?enggak!